Welcome to the URBSEC lunch seminar:

Security and Privacy Challenges for Communicating Vehicles of the Future

On Wednesday March 8, Tomas Olovsson, Associate Professor at Computer Science and Engineering, Chalmers, will give a talk on challenges emerging out of the increasing ICT-complexity of vehicles and traffic systems. Tomas’ main area of research is network security. He has been working in security projects together with the automotive industry for the last 10 years.

Vehicles are becoming more and more advanced, new functions are added every year and we will soon have fully autonomous vehicles. In parallel, the internal architecture of vehicles becomes more complicated, and today a vehicle can have more than 150 ECUs or computers that communicate with each other over internal networks – a size comparable to a company network! At the same time, vehicles start to communicate wirelessly between internal sensors, with mobile phones connected to the car, with other vehicles, with road-side objects, and with servers and applications on the Internet.
This increased communication opens up for remote attacks, and hacking of vehicles over the Internet where hackers have been able to take full control of the vehicle has been demonstrated. In addition, privacy is becoming increasingly important since the vehicle registers where and when it is driven and all about driving behavior. Addressing security and privacy threats is thus extremely important, and in this talk, we will look at the challenges faced; different types of security and privacy problems; limitations and constraints in the vehicular domain; and at mechanisms we will find in future vehicles and up-coming challenges.

When: Wednesday, March 8, 11:30-13:00.

Where: Kuggen, Lindholmsplatsen 1, Chalmers bibliotek, gradängen (Speakers Corner).

Lunch: Sandwiches, coffee, tea, served from 11:30 (for pre-registered only);
seminar start 12:00.

Registration: Email your name, organization, and any special food requirements, to michael.landzelius@chalmers.se.